Many people know Spiritualism because of places like Lily Dale in New York (pictured above) and Arthur Findlay College in Stanstead England.

There are also many people that may know about the Fox Sisters (also in the photo above) who 167 years ago heard strange rappings in their home and discovered that through interpreting the rappings that they had a way of communicating with someone who had passed into Spirit.

Sensibilities in this area were not new. There were many who sought out the information and understood that Love and Life never die. There were many that understood that our spiritual pathways are much more than the following the rules of one faith or another. Yet, with the investigations that took place of both the Fox Sisters and their home after they reported that they were able to communicate with those in Spirit and that they had verifiable proof in both the sound of the rappings that could be heard by all those present, but also answering personal questions and knowing things about neighbors and investigators that could not have been known otherwise allowed for a type of legitimacy that those who considered themselves free thinkers did not have before.

Demonstrations of mediumship have become undeniable part of Spiritualism. The demonstration of the continuity of life by bringing forth evidence from those in Spirit is awe inspiring and also healing.

Spiritualism, however, is so much more than mediumship.

Spiritualism is a way of looking at our walk with Spirit. It is a way of understanding our own growth and development with the Divine Source. Through Spiritualism we understand that everyone has their own right and their own responsibility to choose the path that is right for them. You will find that many spiritualist take the time to learn about other faiths and religions. You will find that there is an understanding that even though we may have different rituals, founders, and service routines that we are all undeniably loved by the Creator. There is an understanding that each and every soul on the planet is an expression of Divine and needs to be shown that respect, no matter what pathway and understanding is being held at that time and how it may differ from our own.

There is also an understanding that Healing through Spirit is 100% possible. We can breathe it, share it, send it, pray with it …. and mediumship at it very core is a form of healing. The healing that comes by knowing that there is no real death. Our bodies will die — the energy of our soul, our spirit lives on and on and is capable of still loving, still learning and still knowing what loved ones are doing that are alive and living lives on our lovely planet. When we remove the fear of death, when we remove the fear that if we do not follow the instructions of one religion or another to enter heaven we find that we can REALLY live and REALLY grow and not hesitate to LOVE.

Spiritualist do not expect anyone to believe what they believe on pure faith. Spiritualist also are a group of people that understand that not everyone sitting in the same place, at the same time, in the same spiritualist church will all believe and understand the Divine Nature of God in the same way. This is one of the reasons the hands on experience of Spiritual Healing and the Demonstrations of Mediumship are part of the service … so that each and every person will have the ability and opportunity to view and experience for themselves the power and Love of Spirit.

There is no script to everlasting happiness or enlightenment … there is only the understanding that when we live our lives the best we can, as lovingly as we can … and that we are willing to learn and even change our views as we learn we will achieve awareness.

Happy Birthday Modern Spiritualism.

Side Note:
I would suggest reading the History of Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle and also the book Self Empowerment by B. Anne Gehman and Ellen Ratner for information on the background of Spiritualism and how it became what it is today.

167 Years of Modern Spiritualism