Be true to yourself
I received word from a student recently that another person, who had come to one of the classes in the series I am teaching now on Spiritual Development went to another teacher and became ‘certified’. 
I understand this type of teaching and learning. It is actually how I became ‘certified’ and then ‘commissioned’ to serve Spirit. I realized in myself that I was not near where I needed to be in practice and in basic theoretical knowledge to live up to what those pieces of paper I had in my possession told the world. 
In terms of my own development and unfoldment this meant a lot of solo learning. I watched borrowed DVDs, signed up for internet courses, read and read and read and read and practiced and practiced and practiced. When I prayed for more I was put into situations in which the right people, the right teachers and the right resources and the right conditions to practice were presented and I took and explored each and every one. I was also fortunate enough to be able to go on a QiGong Healer’s retreat and class for two weeks with Master Robert Peng. This experience alone, the time spent and dedicated to development with Spirit triggered an unfoldment, a download of knowing that I am still sifting and exploring. The experience was akin to receiving your first pair of glasses and realizing for the first time that there is crispness and a beauty to the world that went unnoticed in the haze of blurry vision. 
Certification is an interesting thing in our culture. Once one holds a piece of paper of any level they are supposed to be able to handle the job that is outlined on the certificate. I received a certificate that says I hold a degree in history and another certificate that says that I am qualified to teach students from the grades of 7-12th grades. Certainly the work I did for both of these diplomas was valuable. I learned the facts, theory and the case studies of others that traveled the road of teacher before me. It was not, however, until I was in my own classroom, faced with 20 pairs of eyes looking at me every day that the realities of what being a teacher really is came to light. Certainly I would not have even had the opportunity without the work and the diplomas, but I had to immerse myself in the roll, not be afraid to keep asking questions and most of all KEEP going to school myself. I attended teacher workshops during the school year and in the summer I would go away for one or two weeks for more in both knowledge and awareness. 
Since I was willing to spend time taking classes at the same time I was teaching classes what I knew about, what I was able to practice and decide what worked or didn’t work and the time spent with others in the same field and sharing ideas was invaluable. Understanding my own strengths and weaknesses and striving for the best not only in myself but also in my students made all the difference in performance both for me and my students. I can honestly say that I never sat back and said that the certificates I earned stating that I was qualified for that particular job was all that I needed to be a successful teacher. 
The same is true for the stack of papers that I have from the healing seminars and spiritually oriented certification classes. 
I have been told time and time again that I am meant to teach what I need to learn myself. It has been brought to my attention that I have a unique gift set that enables me to grow more in the teaching of what I am exploring and practicing. This insight and this reassurance has been invaluable. Teaching puts me in a beautiful position to learn from other people constantly. It also puts me in a position to continually want to improve to share with students the best that is available. 
Several weeks ago  I was told that I was not qualified to teach what I am teaching others. The theory stated this day is that my own development will somehow be arrested in giving so much time and energy in helping others with their own development. I went through a long period of questioning my own abilities and reflecting with Spirit on what my walk with Spirit really is all about. It took a while to decide that there is no one that can tell another how and in which way they are to develop; to recognize that my gift set may indeed veer off the ‘norm’ as others had pointed out to me in the past. There is no one that can honestly tell another how it is best of them to use their resources and energy. Or even what they are capable of achieving. Even as a teacher I can offer what I see and share with them ideas for improvement but it is up to each individual student to decide if the advice is suitable for them at this time. Sometimes it is a suggestion that is written down and remembered and then came back to months or years later. Everyone has a different pathway. Spirit calls to each differently and we all respond to Spirit differently. Each and every person has a chance to achieve the best that they can in their relationship with the Divine and each and every success story will be completely different. 
There are some areas in which there may never be a proper type of certification. I don’t know of any mother that is walking around with a certification stating that she is suited to be a mother. Some things are always a work in progress. The spiritual journey we are each on is exactly like that. We need to be focused on our own journeys and not those of others. We need to understand that other’s certifications and personal achievements do not reflect what we are able to learn and achieve on our own journey. We need to understand that part of the journey understands ourselves and our relationship with Spirit. We need to take the time to understand our own gift set and how to not only develop it but allow it to unfold in the uniqueness that is each and every one of us. 
Be true to yourselves, be true to your gifts NEVER STOP PRACTICING, LEARNING, DEVELOPING and send love to those around you intending that they are able and willing to do the same.

Be True To Yourself