My four years old son would really like to fly.

This is practucally all he has talked about in a weeks time.

He is determined to find a pixi to aquire pixi dust so that he can think happy thoughts and lift off the ground.

Yesterday he told me rather sorrowfully that his school did not have any pixis, that he had looked everywhere for one and that he would really hope that I would stay up after he and his brothers went to bed so that when one entered the house, as they have been known to do while everyone is sleeping, I would be able to talk to her and ask her for some pixi dust.

And if it isn’t pixis and flying he is talking about it is that he would like very much to talk to angels and his fairy godmother. He, does after all have a lot of things to talk about and wish for … like flying.

I have told him that it is very possible for him to practice flying in his sleep. Just ask to dream and fly before he goes to bed. I told him that his angels would hear him and that he would have cool dreams.

He told me when he woke up that he practiced flying in his sleep … so he was ready for the pixi dust now to do it for real.

I am sure he will fly one day. He will probably invent some type of dust that allows someone to be weightless and market it as pixi dust. Once the little guy gets something in his head it really does not leave easily.

I have decided not to squash his dream of flying. He loves paper airplanes, and balloons and kites and anything else that can get into the air. Seems he has a natural bent in that area. I am sure he really did fly with the angels in his sleep, practicing what he will no doubt figure out someday.

Dreams are so important. They give us things to shoot for, they give us drive and really, they are probably the things we should or will be doing if we just decide that it really isn’t a dream and that it really isn’t possible.

The thing is, dreams need to be nurtured, they need to be thought POSITIVELY about and they need to become realities in our brains. Then we need to do the required work in order to achieve the dream.

Dreams are a lot like prayers. We want something. “Lord, please allow me the means to travel with my family.” Then when the means arrive in the way of extra work, or inheritance, or opportunities to go with another … grab hold, and recognize that is the means to the end for your dream/prayer and say THANK YOU and hold on for the ride. For at the end of every dream and every prayer there is something to learn. There is a reason that means and ability came to you … through positive thinking and total belief.

Don’t discount anything you dream. I talked with some people this week who were “worrying” about things. Take that worry and write it down in a positive affirmation of dreaming. Instead of lamenting that you do not have enough money to do whatever it is you would like to do create a positive dream. … I will have money and I will travel to see friends. Then let it go… Spirit knows and has just been waiting for you to believe. Then be ready .. you will probably have more than enough work to keep you busy with all the money making opportunities coming in so that you have the extra to travel and see friends.

Dean always teased me that I always seemed to come up with almost the exact amount of money we needed for something or some bill and wondered why I did not get extra. I told him that is what I asked for. I wanted things to be alright and to have what I needed. When I remembered to ask and say thank you we always received. I must admit that I am dreaming and praying a little outside that box now … and I know if I keep working we will receive.

Be on the look out for Pixi Dust 🙂 I am sure once Cian learns just a little physics and chemistry we will all need to watch out for flying humans 🙂

Be Well! Make the most of your day.
