



All the incredible “What the Fuck?!” moments in our life.

How incredibly easy it is to be bitter. How incredibly easy it is to say that we are acting poorly, depressed, spiteful, unloving BECAUSE ……….

My five year old has been on a streak lately of either telling me how much he HATES something or someone, or just SCREECHING at the very top of his lungs when he is in any type of un-comfort. 

Some days it is good that he is FIVE. Helps remind me that love and not smashing the lovely is the answer. That PATIENCE will win. It is easy to yell, to spank, to take things away. It is much harder to calmly repeat “You must say please and be polite before you receive a treat.” while an obstinate little face tries like crazy to be the one with more will power.

Unfortunately some of the people in my life that are being “little buggers” are adults. I was reminded today while I was discussing how much my heart is hurting over some of this that I learned what I needed to learn. That in asking for a dream and receiving the gift of fulfilling that dream after 30 years — that what I was encountering now was only a stepping stone on the pathway. I was reminded that we all grow at different rates and that it is alright for people to come in and out of our life. It is alright for groups, institutions, and even ways of thinking to move on in place of what is next.

I was also reminded today that some of the things that we learned through periods of darkness are sometimes needed to help others. There is a family I learned about over a month ago that has been going through a rough time. Cancer is part of the story there. There are family members that are being very stoic, little ones that don’t fully understand and a community that would love to help in some way.

I have the privileged to be able to speak to groups of people about how we effect each other, both positive and negatively. We all have the very unique ability through the energy in our intentions to literally change the world. I am able to demonstrate this on a micro level in a lecture, on Monday I have invited as many people as can to experience what this is like on a larger level. Those that are able will come to the local coffee house at 8pm. Those that are unable to be at that location will be able to participate at home. Positive thoughts, Love, Light, Sincere Prayers for Goodness being sent out to the family that reminds me so much of my own. The same being sent to each one of us and others we place in our hearts at that moment. Remembering that we are all very, very connected. Remembering that we are all cut from the SAME Divine fabric. It does not matter the label we place on ourselves or the label placed on us by others. Those are all JUST MASKS in our Earthland Masquerade Party called Life. We are sent to this party to learn the intricacies of dances all leading us to fully appreciate the LOVE we all came from. The SAME love can be spread, felt, absorbed and given when it is willing to be SHARED. Beautiful coincidence that it is in this season of Thanksgiving and Giving that this opportunity to remember is being brought forth.

Open the Box of Darkness — allow Light to Shine.

Learning From Darkness