LOVE in its purest form is the basis for all healing. Healing can take place in many forms. It can be a transfer of Universal Love to help in the relief of emotional, physical and spiritual unbalance. It can come in the form of a medium bringing forth evidence of the survival of a loved one to help sooth grief. It can come in the form of people here and now just being NICE to each other. To be forgiving, to be thankful and to really treat others in the same exact way we would like to be treated ourselves heals not only others but is the basis for self-healing and growth.
                There are many people that sit with me that are in distress or at a cross roads of their lives. They would like reassurance that their lives will get better, that the road will not be as rocky as it seems it is at this very moment.
                These times of crossroads will never end. My husband passed into Spirit 16 months ago.  At the time I would have thought that was enough of a lesson on the realities of human life… thank you very much. So, since his illness and passing were hard then one would think that the rest of life should and will be much better.  It does not work that way. In the past 16 months I have dealt with the needs of four children. They all have their unique needs. The six year old struggles with social skills and social cues; the classroom setting is a constant struggle for him and specialists have been called into evaluate and determine what he needs in order to function more in the parameters of ‘normal’.  The struggle lies in maintaining for me a balance. I need to be supportive of my child but also deal with the constant calls and concerns from the school. I need to not start the ‘blame’ game on how things are being handled and how my child reacts or does not react ‘appropriately’. In effect, I need to maintain love for all those involved, but especially love and respect for myself. One thing I learned though Dean’s illness, rather the hard way, is that it is paramount that I take care of me and make sure that I am happy and healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. If I am to be an effective healer and medium to aid in the well-being and healing of others then it is even more necessary that I practice self-love and care. I can take care of no one else and I certainly am not in a position to counsel other people if I am not willing to put forth the work in myself.
                When I am in a good place, when I practice love for others it is easier to listen out of love when the calls come in from school. It is easier to understand that there is certainly a frustration level on their part as well as the frustration in my son in what he is and hence they are going through. It is easier to talk to him at home and help him develop strategies and it is easier to keep my own words, tone and body language in check in dealing with this and all situations. It is much easier to share with clients that I know so well that it is hard. It is easier for me to explain honestly that a lot of what we go through is a personal choice.
                We will all have things we need to get through in life. Some people need to learn how not to be lonely, some people need to not be self-destructive in their behavior, some people need to learn how to live at lower income levels than maybe they are accustomed, some people simply need to learn that happiness is a choice, no matter what type of situations we trudge through. We can become completely angry about the fact that our car was hit in a parking lot and spout about it for weeks, or we can handle the situation. We can make the correct calls, we can file the correct paper work and know that it does not have to ruin our day.  We can take the closing of our place of business as the opening of new opportunities, I can allow myself to take some extra time with my son, and take the time to understand the systems and the process to find out what it is he needs to be successful and get through this point of his life. Hopefully through the process learn something that may be able to help another someday. I can choose to approach the situation with LOVE. When we send out love, and we tackle situations from the position of LOVE that Love will be returned to you. Love will surround, Love will conquer the anxiety of a situation and allow the process to become clear. Love fixes because we approach life from a point of knowing that Love is always going to be there. It does not mean that situations will never happen, or there are not more lessons for us to learn. It does change the way in which we handle them and how we allow them to affect us, and the type of help we receive to make it through.