heart support_500x370So much suffering, so much pain, so much grief and so much turmoil. We have gone through so much. Sometimes the pain seems to go on forever, causing physical symptoms along with the mental and emotional upheavals. Sometime we wonder what we have done to deserve such suffering, sometimes we wonder what others have done to deserve the strife that they are going through or have gone through. Sometimes we just don’t want to think or feel any more.

We all feel pain, we all feel sadness. We all feel at one time or another grief of loss, of a loved one, of a situation, of a friend, of a change of being.

We do not have to become the pain. We do not have to become the sadness and we do not have to become the grief.

We are creatures made to love and to be loved unconditionally. We experience the opposite to recognize the love. We sometimes need to actually choose the love. It is so easy to get caught in the spiral of sadness. It is so easy to become enveloped into the cycle of heartache and loss. Yet, we are blessed with the knowledge that Love is never ending. We are blessed with the knowledge that there is no true death and we are blessed with a knowledge that we are much, much more than our circumstances. We are blessed with the ability to choose more, to choose to live in the present and to choose to love and be the best we can possibly be JUST FOR THIS MOMENT.

We can feel everything and choose not to BE those feelings. Emotions are human, feeling is human, choosing and having the ability to choose is also human.

Ask for Divine guidance when you need the extra assistance. Asking our Spirit loved ones, asking neighbors, allowing for healing while reaffirming that we are worthy of love, choosing love and understanding the Universe does indeed love us and we are totally wrapped in love. Choosing to feel that, especially in the midst of suffering, is the first step to healing.


Message of the Day: Heartache and Loss