toadchangeNegative Energy, Negative Space, Negative People …..

Several articles have been circulating recently teaching people how to rid themselves and protect from negativity and darkness, negative vibes, negative space, and other such expressions.

To perpetuate the need for people to protect themselves and place themselves in a little bubble and energetically hide from energy vampires, hateful people, darkness is to teach the need to live in fear and a victim lifestyle instead of living from the understanding that our Loving Creator created NOTHING that has the ability to harm our energies or our soul.

Let’s Break this down….

Yes, terrible things are happening on the planet. Yes, there are fires, floods, catastrophes and also people that are not ethical and people that would do physical harm to each other with the mis-understanding that doing so will create what they need in this lifetime. The nastiness some humans choose and the catastrophes that are inherent in a natural world are challenges and wonderful opportunities for us to be of service and share love with each other.

Our mission on this planet is NOT to hide behind protection bubbles, protection prayers and pray that we prosper by putting a cap on how bright our own light may shine. Consider a candle, lit, beautiful and bright in a dark room. It has the ability to create light for a rather large space. Shadows regress and one finds that the shapes in that darkness are actually the furniture and books that were placed there by the owner of the room. Now consider that you were afraid for the candle, afraid that a wind may snuff it out, or afraid that someone may see the candle and want it for themselves, or even want the furniture and books that the candle illuminates. In an effort to protect the candle from the outside you place a bubble of plastic around the candle. It is beautiful and white with swirls of pink. It is soft and lovely and you are very proud of the bubble that you have created. The candle looks quite beautiful in the bubble, for a short time. Without the exchange of air and without the access to the entire room the candle starts to dim. It dims to the point that you stand in relative darkness among the furniture and the books. It is hard to move and interact with that room, although the light within is incredibly protected from exposure to anything from beyond its bubble.

We have the spark of Divine within us. We are individualization of that initial breath of creation. Grateful to be able to share in that Light and grateful for the ability to share and intermingle that light with others. THERE IS NO WAY TO DO THAT TRAPPED IN A BUBBLE. The only way to do that is to work on finding our own personal connection to Divine. Find our pathway and walk it. Not arguing with others about it, not thinking our way is better than others, and not trying to sway other lights to shine just like ours … simply working on it, knowing it, trusting it and knowing that through the walk and the shine others are fueled and inspired to find their own fuel for their own light. We become the air, the energy and the fuel for each other.  Sure, there are some lights that may cause ours to flicker – but WE DECIDE if we are to get close to those lights again. It doesn’t mean that those particular lights are ‘bad’, they just are not the correct lights we need for our own unique path.  Perhaps those lights are so self aware that they cause pause and revaluation of how we are fueling ourselves. Those lights teach our lights how to keep our connection to Divine and what is important for our continued growth in that area.  Hiding from such lights, blocking ourselves off from them will NOT allow the light to get the nourishment it needs to ignite fully.  Through personal work, though our commitment to sharing life with Spirit, through exploring our own connection with Spirit, we find disruptive lights few and far between. We become healthy.  We become accustomed to sharing our own light through prayer, through love and through healing and blessings to lights that are not in alignment of our own. We share the energies allowing for space for others to find their own unique Divine Connections through the blessings. We create ripples of love and peace that can be felt and measured. We express gratitude and effectively embody “God Bless Everyone”.

We don’t have to become well known, we don’t have to write books, or even travel the planet to share these truths. We merely need to understand and trust that EVERYTHING GOD CREATED IS GOOD. EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Even the lights we recognize as not being able to blend with our own. We need to understand and trust that we are ALL Divinely guided and protected. It is up to us to be aware of those pieces of guidance and be aware that we are eternal souls, filled with unconditional love. The human part of us will always need to grow in that understanding, we will always have to deal with the emotions and the world around us, we may even choose to not interact with some lights, but do so from the point of view that we are all children of God. We choose to live in the world from a place of God’s Love or a place of human fear.  It is OUR CHOICES that create our reality.

No Protection Bubbles Needed