This above picture is a quick snap shot of a Hibiscus plant in my front yard.

I have always had the dream of nothing but flowers in the front yard – and no need to mow the grass. I wanted to be able to sit and enjoy. A little piece of garden heaven that I would be able to enjoy all summer long.

I let Dean in on my dream the summer of 1999. He was great with plants. He could grow, cultivate, understand the botanical names and had his own growth and vitamin recipe for them.

This Hibiscus was the first perennial he added to the front yard in the summer of 1999. It was from a plant he had cultivated on his own and had already had for several years. It started blooming today.

Each and every time I allow myself to sit in the garden this year I feel him with me. Each and every time I recognize something that he added or changed last summer. New butterfly plant, another hibiscus, a new rose plant, a new peonies and some spreading around of the gladiolas I have everywhere. Little gifts springing up all summer. Little things I had no idea he was tinkering with. I just nod my head, and say thank you, and yes, I noticed what you did there.

Made me think today, with the Hibiscus blooming. Made me think about how that was 1999. Made me think about how we knew each other since we were 12 years old. Made me think about mutual friends, others I have known as long or longer that I am still in contact with … how much the children are growing and have already grown.

Blink — just blink, and everything changes.

Change is one of the things that I have trouble with … often. When I was about 10 years old my family moved and I swore I would set up a tent and stay right where we always had stayed. The crazy thing is — my life has been nothing but change.

With each and every change there is a new lesson, a new growth. There is a new opportunity to learn to love life and love your part in this life. There is an opportunity to help others with your new found experience.

Some change has been more drastic than others. Adding children to the family, marriage, divorce, another marriage, more children and a separation from a life partner because of a passing into Spirit. Lots and Lots of change.

Change does not mean one cannot be happy. Change also doesn’t change the constant of Universal Love and the Divine influence that pervades all existence.

The Hibiscus blooming today a reminder to me that love spans over all time and space. There are no limits. Change is hard. Well, hard for me. With each change I learn how to navigate a bit easier through the change. I have learned to dwell in the complete present. Notice and enjoy all the little things.
A flower blooming
A giggling child
The sound of the breeze through tree leaves
A “Gmorning” text from friends

Change isn’t something so scary when everything is just taken as it comes and understand that we are on a Journey. A friend explained to me just recent, and it makes so much sense. That when we understand the difference between being on the Journey and learning what we need to on the Journey and that HOME is where we rest and live when this Journey is though ….

So, change… lessons .. all inevitable.

Except love .. that is a constant.

Very glad I have a front yard full of flowers to remind me of that this summer.

The gift