Memes — Did I spell that right? — You know, the little pictures with the cool sayings or thoughts that float all over the internet?

Do you flip past the ones that have too many words? Do you stop and look at the ones with the cartoons? Do you share the ones that tickle your funny bone? Strike a cord? Or perhaps you share the ones you think someone needs and cross your fingers they see what you have posted?

I use these little ditties on my own page. I want to stay in contact with the people that have liked the Rev. Jenn Shepherd Facebook page and so I find little photos, sayings, and even use some of my own to keep people connected and thinking. Since I am the one that has posted I can see how many people have been reached, how many people have commented/shared and liked whatever it is I have chosen to share on that particular day.

This one has received the most views and hits of almost anything else I have put up …

I actually saw this first in a meditation newsletter I receive. It seems I am not the only person it has resonated with. My question then becomes, if so many people resonated with the idea that we can decide if we are supporting a happy or a frowny face, why are so many people choosing the frowny face?

I had a friend tell me yesterday that at work that day she kept smiling and smiling as a coworker was grumbling and grumbling. The coworker finally asked why the heck she kept smiling and her response was something like: “How can you keep grumbling when looking at this wonderful smiling face?!” She said the coworker left her space at that time.

Interesting, huh? Keep choosing to be grumpy when around people that are smiling you either have to start smiling too or get to another space. There is a LOT of power in the choosing. The reverse can also be true. If you are around a bunch of complainers and grumps you can choose to stay there or move off to a place that is less grumpy, smiling all the way!

It is hard sometimes to make this decision. It is really hard. There are circumstances and people that are just out of our control. Sometimes it is necessary for our own well being to voice something we are feeling so that we can move on — choosing to be happy or unhappy does not mean one takes feelings that are difficult and ignore them … we deal with them in a healthy manner, we release because we choose to not allow those things to knock us into frownville for very long. The biggest thing I remind myself every day is that I have the power within myself to make this decision. I have the power to interact, be with, spend my energy on things that cause unhappiness, or be happy with what I do have and the choices that I have made. Choosing is MUCH more than making yourself happy that you are cleaning because you have a place to clean that some people do not. It is a way of loving yourself. Knowing that you are worthy of being comfortable in your own skin. It is honoring the real YOU and the I AM of Divine that dwells within you. It doesn’t mean that you need to be the life of the party every second of the day, but it does mean you decide or not to be grateful for the day you had and the breaths you have taken.

So, today as I drive to my child’s college financial aid office for the 4th time to deliver papers verifying all the little details about this house they would like verified I will choose to smile. What a wonderful reminder that I need a better filing system, and a little chance to check in with one of my boys. AND smiling that I found the stinkin’ papers that they wanted! HAHA! (Come and see my filing, or lack of filing system and see how that would make anyone smile) Smiling that I have a car today to even run them out since 4 separate deer last night were interested in becoming venison and guardian angels prevailed in slowing both me and the big truck that was inches from my bumper down in time saving me, my car and the deer. Besides, I am sure the poor lady at financial aid has had enough grumpy phone calls about the frustration this verification process is for families. Choosing the smiley side of life helps EVERYONE! (Do I hear a Monty Python song — oh, yeah…that’s look on the BRIGHT side of life, silly me)

The World Of Memes and Smiles