November seems to be the ‘traditional’ month of being ‘thankful’. There are posts on the internet, there are prayers at a Thanksgiving feast, there are clothing, food and toy drives to gather from people that have ‘more’ for people that have ‘less’.

I took someone very dear to me to one of the meditation and QiGong classes I teach a couple of weeks ago. She had a beautiful experience during the meditation, and felt a lot of loving and cleansing energy during the QiGong motions and exercises. She was very, very quiet on the way home, which, really isn’t all that different than other times, so, I didn’t pry, I allowed the silence and we went our separate ways after returning from the class.

It is in the silences that we most often find our most poignant truths.

It is what we allow ourselves to hear because of the silence that can allow those we serve to teach us more than we are teaching them.

My young friend confided later that the experience of class had touched her very deeply. She asked how she could achieve such peace and happiness and such a state of healing again without me present.


Without me present.

That is what it is all about, isn’t it?

Serve, teach, share in such a way that those that have come or asked or are put on your pathway for a little while to be able to go and understand their own way of finding peace and community with the Universe.

We talked about how being thankful for everything, even things we may not have quite achieved is very important. That in being grateful we train our minds, our energy, our humanity to remember that we are so much more than what we see in the mirror. We understand that we are spirit wrapped in flesh and not flesh trying to obtain spirit. We are already there. When we are thankful NOW our spirit is able to shine NOW and when a light shines it can light up the darkness.

In response to our talk a little poster was made with a list of everything my friend is thankful. It has been put into a frame and is hung where it can be seen every day. The last bullet point said thankful for Jenn.

It is hard for me to even type that without tearing up. Thankful for me. To know that each and every day in a frame someone has decided to be thankful for me and send that positive energy my way is humbling, and beautiful.

I also received a message from the same person very happy that since the list was made people around don’t seem to be as moody or down. There is a realization that the mood we each put out and the thankfulness we each put out has an effect on each other. The light or the darkness we decide to emit DOES indeed spread and effect the world around us.

It is about the little things. It is about that one person we can touch, that one person we can serve. It is that personal contact. It is very wonderful to donate this time of year. It is necessary to share our food, our extra clothing and toys with those who do not have any. It is necessary to remember ALL we are thankful. It is also necessary to spend that personal time. Hand shake, smile, hug, phone call, a note.

In our entire lives if we touch, truly serve and help JUST ONE soul to find their own personal connection to Light and shining their own unique version of that Light, we have had a successful life.

I am thankful to my young friend for reminding me that we are able to touch each other in allowing and being comfortable with the silent moments.
