Today was dubbed WHACKY WEDNESDAY for my youngest children. 
This is the week when the Elementary school remembers the birthday of Dr. Seuss and throughout the week are encouraged to have fun with little activities. One was mis-matched socks day (which is a regular in this house). Today was WHACKY WEDNESDAY. The kids left with shirts on backwards, shorts under and over long pants, and somehow Galen (7) managed to get his jeans on backwards. My youngest kept crawling under his covers, hiding, not wanting to come out even after he had decided which shorts to wear on top of sweat pants and picking out a first man on the moon shirt to wear backwards. 
The interesting thing is that the two of them together really do not have any trouble being crazy the rest of the time. As you can see from the photos in this blog entry.
Yet, when one is asked to dress ‘whacky’ — and others are dressing ‘whacky’ — my youngest felt under pressure to not get ‘laughed at’. This is a bit of a theme with him. 
As you will notice from the photos, he likes to wear his hair long. Some of this is my influence, since his hair is wavy, and really quite adorable a little longer. Some of this is his own choice. When I take him for his hair appointment he makes a rather big deal about having the hair go over his ears. After the last appointment I asked him why he likes his hair that way …. his response was that he did not want someone to say something or make fun of his ears. 
He was born with a little extra bump around his ear. It isn’t large, but it is there. Almost as if at one point in his development he was forming an extra ear, and the cells thought better of it and left him a little skin bump. When I asked him if anyone has ever said anything to him about his ear, he said no, but he realized that it was there. This is the child that will ask for his hair to be spiked and sprayed blue on a regular basis … and yet, he was afraid someone would figure out he had an extra bump on his ear. He is also the child who told me he did not want to go to school today through tears because he was not sure if his whacky choices would be met with approval from his classmates, or laughter. 
There are many reasons to have insecurities. I wonder in my child’s case who it is he wants approval. I wonder at what point he decided that what other people think about what he does and what he looks like became a self-worth gauge. I wonder why a kid that loves to spike his hair blue is so sensitive about what other people may or may not say to him. 
The only thing I can think that may be a blessing from my child’s angst is that hopefully he is sensitive to how other people feel and remembers to be kind to those that are different from himself. We don’t have to look like each other. We don’t have to act like each other. We don’t have to like the same things as each other. What we do need to do is have a respect for each other. This seems really easy to do when the respect and the help comes in the form of a charitable contribution or event. When it becomes difficult is when another uses different vocabulary than us, when a person was brought up in a different atmosphere that we are not knowledgeable, and when not all the information is present for us to fully understand. 
This last point — this is ALL THE TIME. 
We never really have all the facts about another. We don’t know how they were brought up, we don’t know what conversation they had right before we met up with them, we don’t understand … well, really anything.  
We may if we take the time to have a conversation. We may if we recognize that each of us is a unique manifestation of life created by the one Source of all … God. The people we love, the people that we laugh with, the people that seem to understand us in and out AND the people we don’t understand, the people that seem to us the most immoral people on the planet, the people that initiate atrocities and hurt to themselves and others. ALL are part of the Divine makeup. ALL were made from complete and unconditional LOVE from the Source. 
Imagine a world in which people noticed the soul of another instead of the actions of the human vehicle for that soul. Imagine a world in which we sent love and peace to the souls around us, even the ones that we do not agree with, even the ones that we recognize as hateful, egotistic, or just plain mean. Imagine a world in which we conversed about our feelings and differences instead of arguing over them. Imagine a world in which we recognized that LOVE and DIVINE connection through SPIRIT are really all of our birthrights. It is where we came from and where we will return. Imagine a world in which we did not wait until our return to heal and understand this. 
It is so hard for us to be us when we are not connecting to the Love that is available to us.
 It is there, all the time. We are never alone. 

I explained to my little one that he is 100% loved no matter what he puts on his body.  I reminded him that he is allowed to be unique and that all the others kids today would be showing how unique they were. I told him it was great that they were all able to show their ‘whackyness’ at the same time. 
When we take the time to be still and remember we can fill that love. Love from Divine, Love From Spirit, Love from our past loved ones who reside in Spirit. We are also able to feel that love from each other. We are able to send it through intention and prayer. We are able to even send it to those people and situations that we may struggle. When we take the time to send these Bolts of Love to others it is like throwing the pebbles in the still water. The ripples go on and on. They interact with other ripples, the patterns change into artistic beauty. We send without obstruction or conditions, effectively being the hand and agent of Spirits love here on earth. In sending love we receive. In sending we understand and feel more and more the Light Source of Divine we each carry. 
Sharing this we allow those around us to show their ‘whacky’ without it being made a special day. We give permission for those around us to be them and grow in themselves and their own personal journeys. We allow our own feeling of that love. We allow for our own expression of individuality and ‘whackyness’ while maintaining the reality of us all being ONE with DIVINE.
Photo was taken by a friend before an event in which I decided to be a bit ‘whacky’ myself and playing Harry Potter with accessories at hand. Take some time to have fun…be true to yourself. Memories and the Love we share are the only real things we take with us EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. 
“Whacky Wednesday”