Dream ON

” Dream ON” “You got to lose to know how to win” I woke up with two totally different songs this morning.  Dream on was actually the second one. At 4AM the OLD WAYS ran like a live concert in


“…life is always reminding you when you are in tune with yourself and when you are not. When you feel good, what you are doing matches your song, and when you feel awful, it doesn’t. In the end, we shall


This is a photo taken right after Dean and I were married. That anniversary date is today. We had planned to take the kids out west in 2015 and show them some of the things we did this wedding week,


“Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.” ~ Edwin Hubbell Chapin Learning that each and everything we do has a meaning. Even the simple, even the seemingly mundane. Each and everything we do