I love this photo. Taken soon after Cian was born.

Kids have planned cake with sprinkles later. Will be chocolate, of course.

They have also managed to collect their first toad and have asked to clean out the old outdoor toad cage. The one Dean built to toad watch during the summer.

I am glad he will be spending his birthday with the kids, even if it is from the other side of this life. I spent the day in Lily Dale yesterday. I had the absolute pleasure to serve both at the stump message services and in the healing temple. I will be there serving a lot this summer. After yesterday I am even more humbled by the opportunities that this allows me to connect with both Spirit and people. What struck me is how much we are all in the same boat. How each of us when faced with grief feel as if he or she is all alone and how many unanswered questions there are sometimes. One service had three hundred people at least all hoping and waiting the message would be from their loved one. Each hoping that they would be able to get one more connection and know for sure that the loved one was safe in Heaven or the Spirit World. In serving though, one is healed. I miss Dean each and every day. Yet, I am so blessed that I am still able to feel our connection and yesterday that was very tangible on how blessed I truly am in that fashion. There are so many that don’t know for sure. That come searching. There are loved ones in Spirit World that are excited for a chance to connect at a service and let loved ones know that they are still alive and are well and still love them. Of course, that doesn’t make the physical missing any less sometimes. But, I do believe that it does alleviate the grief some and the wondering to know that life is indeed everlasting and that no one is lost. Love is forever.

For myself, I just brewed some coffee and will be heading to our spot outside in the garden he built and sit as we did so many summer Sunday mornings.

Enjoy the day, Dear:
I keep waiting for the day that maybe I don’t miss you so much. Even though I feel you often and know you are well, it just isnt the same. I served in the Healing Temple yesterday. I thought of you the entire time. The times we went there when you were sick looking for some peace. Realizing that there were people there just as lost and desperate as we were for some healing. I get to give back now. Thank you for always believing in me and encouraging this path. I see a lot of you in the children. I know you are proud of them. Maybe you could whisper in their ear on how exactly to take care of this toad they found? 🙂
Happy Birthday. Loving you. Always.

Happy Birthday, Dear.